Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert are reunited with the help of the internet. The website SiskelandEbert features an online video gallery of their television shows.
Adrianne Palicki (feel free to use the photo above as your wallpaper) from Friday Night Lights has been cast in (groan) David E. Kelly's television adaptation of Wonder Woman. Thanks to Terry for the heads-up.
Director Richard Kelly of Donnie Darko fame is working on a new film entitled, Corpus Christi.
IGN gives us an analysis of the X-Men: First Class trailer.
Captain America: The First Avenger has already spawned an video game movie tie-in by Sega, Captain America: Super Soldier.
Detroit will be getting it's very own Robocop statue thanks to the funding of fans.
My man-crush continues on Woody Harrelson; When asked about Zombieland 2, he says "I don't feel like a sequels guy." I'm sure given the right amount of money, he'll do it but for now let me have my crush.
How do you feel about the Wonder Woman casting? I take it you don't like David E. Kelly.
You're right, I don't like David E. Kelly and I have no idea who this actress is but I always hope for the best. Keeping my fingers crossed as always when it comes to superhero movies and television shows.
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