Director Christopher Nolan confirms the next Batman movie title and that The Riddler will not be the villain.
Entertainment Weekly gives us our first look at Chris Evans in the upcoming Captain America: The First Avenger. More photos can be found here.
A new version of an old favorite, Charlie's Angels, is headed to a television screen near you.
Actor and killer of the undead, Bruce Campbell, will perform a wedding ceremony for a pair of zombies.
AMC gives you a five-minute sneak peek at their adaptation of Robert Kirman's comic book series, The Walking Dead, which premieres this Sunday at 10pm.
ahh...the costume is lame...it does not even look period.
Spandex or a rubber suit would look silly too but they could have done better.
Guess we'll need to wait to see the film to accurately judge.
I'm keepin' my fingers crossed it's a good movie. I wish they had cast Nathan Fillion as the lead but that's my man-crush talkin'.
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