The Spider-Man reboot will be in 3D.
Watch the latest trailer for Hot Tub Time Machine. I can't wait to see this movie.
Robocop reboot writer David Self says Darren Aronofsky is still attached to direct.
Tim Robbins joins the cast of Green Lantern.
Bill Murray will be in Ghostbusters 3 but this time as a ghost. "I said to them, 'I'll do it if you kill me off in the first reel.' So now they are going to have me as a ghost in the film.”
Attention Batman fans: Prepare to waste more of your money on crap like this.
Sweet Tooth creator Jeff Lemire shows off his new studio.
Crap in 3D is still Crap! They should make a Batman Pirate movie in 3D. I liked the original Ghostbusters, but a Bill Murray Ghost sounds like more of the 2nd...it doesn't sound original like the first.
I'm still holding out hope for the Spider-Man reboot. Getting a new director and cast was the first step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned.
Grant Morrison sucks. I don't know why people buy his books.
To be honest, I don't remember Ghostbusters 2, other than it was a bad film. But if I'm truly honest, I was never a big fan of the first film.
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